Katrine: “A Really Complex and Exciting Set of Task Focuses”
6 Nov 2023

Katrine Lange is an Agile Software Manager based in Lynge, Denmark, and has been at WSA for 2 years. She describes her current role as follows: “I am the line manager for some of our developers, I am a Scrum Master of one of our teams, and I am the interface to legal and enterprise architect colleagues.” Interested in reading more?
Her passion
“The last time I felt innovative was half an hour ago. Along with many others, I am part of one of our most innovative and challenging projects. This has been an unexpected bonus for me. And as with any new project, you don’t know if you’ll achieve your goals as you initially thought. There is, e.g., technology, with its possibilities and limitations; there are legal components that are not always as easy and concise as one had imagined; and there is the business perspective with specific needs, wants, and desires. Everything is risk-based, a really complex and exciting set of task focuses.
Never give up
I feel that our values are not just written on the wall somewhere but that we have a strong sense of moving forward together. I can’t succeed on my own. I’m part of a team; they have to take risks, they have my back to take the leap, and vice versa.
Getting better and better
Everything happens at a pace where you can’t avoid taking risks. The most important thing is to reflect and learn. I’m always thinking, trying to look inside myself and understand the whole context. I also try to help people communicate. As a leader, everything you do in your job directly impacts others, and as you get better, so does the team. I help them grow, feel good about their work, and hopefully enjoy coming to work as much as I do.